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mercoledì 26 giugno 2013


Estratto dal documentato articolo di ROD NORDLAND e ALISSA J. RUBIN uscito ieri sul Nyt col titolo Taliban’s Divided Tactics Raise Doubts Over Talks. Nomi e funzioni dei delegati della guerriglia in turbante

Among the delegation are six former diplomats, five ex-ministers or deputy ministers, and four preachers...They are all seen as close adherents of Mullah Omar. One, Tayeb Agha, the apparent leader of the delegation, was his secretary and chief of staff. Another, Hafiz Aziz Rahman Ahadi, is the son of Mullah Omar’s teacher at his madrassa in Quetta, Pakistan...
While there are some two dozen Taliban officials here — along with their families, they number a couple of hundred people in all — most are administrative and support staff. The emissaries are by Taliban leadership standards relatively young, mostly in their 40s. Tayeb Agha is apparently the youngest, at age 37 or 38.
Although Mr. Agha is reportedly a fluent English speaker, he was not speaking out for the group last week. That role was filled by Sohail Shaheen, a former second secretary in the Taliban’s embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan...The group’s other spokesman, Mohammad Naim Wardak, in his 40s, is also fluent in English, and speaks Arabic and German as well. When the Taliban were in power, he was posted to embassies and consulates in Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.
Of the nine known delegates here, at least three are on the United Nations blacklist that authorizes the seizing of assets — and prevents international travel. However, it appears that special arrangements were made to allow them to come to Doha. The listed men are Shahbuddin Delawar, described by the United Nations as either 56 or 60, a veteran diplomat and deputy supreme court justice for the Taliban government; Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, described as about 50, a former public health minister; and Qari Din Mohammad Hanif, who is about 58, an ethnic Tajik from Badakhshan and the only non-Pashtun member of the delegation. Mr. Shaheen had previously been listed, but was delisted in anticipation of his role in Doha, a Western official said. The other confirmed delegates include Mualavi Nik Mohammad, age unknown, from Panjwai District in Kandahar, a former minister of agriculture and commerce, and Khalifa Sayid Rasul Nangarhari, a former low-level diplomat about whom little is known.
Qatar and other countries are providing extensive monetary aid to support the Taliban office, allocating a total of $100 million for it, according to Mualavi Shahzada Shahid, the spokesman for the Afghan government’s High Peace Council. There was no independent confirmation of that figure, although at one point the United States, Japan and other allies had allocated a quarter-billion dollars for peace and reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan....

L'articolo fa riferimento anche alla "duplice tattica" (parlare di pace a Doha, combattere in Afghanistan) di cui abbiamo appena avuto prova con l'attacco ad Arg, il palazzo presidenziale, e alla sede della Cia di Kabul. Si veda l'articolo di G. Battiston su Lettera22

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